Quantum Computing

Computing, with quantum mechanics

For over 100 years some parts of the scientific community have been fascinated with the world of the very small, wehere the laws of physics are very different. Einstein spent his last years trying to use laws of physics that we are familiar with at school to explain quantum physics, unfortunately to no avail.

Step in photonic computing. This will have more computational power, create less heat, be able to be integrated directly into optical networks across the globe and the processing will be done in real time, meaning we will not just communicate at light speed, but compute as light speed too. Currently we process 2 bits, 0 and 1. With photonic computing, each of the bits will be able to represent an infinte number of states. The consequence of this, is that in theory, an infinite number of states can be analysed simultaneously. The result of this will give us real world models that can predict with extreme accuracy simulations of our future environment, medicine that no longer needs animal testing, and understanding new physics we do not yet know exists.
  • More computational power

  • No cooling requirement

  • Highly scaleable

  • Infinite computational power theoretically possible

  • Real world, super accurate simulations and predictions
Photonic computing offers the most increadible increase in computing capability that we are likely to see in our lives. In fact, if there is a more capable way to compute, then it is likely we will need quantum photonic computing to identify what that will be.
The capability of the quantum computer is going to be extraordinary. It will surpass what is currently possible in our world too. Quantum physics will be able to make things happen that we did not know were possible, and will probably solve some issues with ease.

    Classical computing:

  • Uses bits to carry binary information (on or off)
  • Can carry 1 bit of information at any one time
  • Power limited by processor

  • Quantum computing:

  • Uses quibits to carry analogue information (any value in range)
  • Can carry any number of qubits simultaneouly in superposition
  • Practically limitless in power regardless of processor